Common Purchasing Issues

Common Purchasing Issues

I see “Error processing request.”

If you see this error, please make sure you have sufficient credits on your credit card. You can enter a new credit card information directly on the project page during your purchase.

I see “Unable to contact processor”

Sorry you’re having trouble making a purchase! This is usually a minor issue that can be corrected on our end. Just contact us and reference the message, and we’ll fix it so you’ll be able to make your purchase.

My credit card was declined; what happened?

There are a couple of reasons why your card was declined. Sometimes, it can be as simple as an incorrect credit card number, wrong CVC, and/or wrong expiration date. Usually, when one of these are incorrect, you will see a red exclamation mark next to the field causing the problem.

If you hover over the red mark, it will tell you the reason why your card was declined. Once you get that fixed, you should be good to go.

If everything is correct, but you still have trouble trying to make the purchase, then it may be an issue on your credit card company’s side that they’ll need to resolve. Your first step is to contact them. Declines can happen for a variety of reasons, and they usually do not relate to the account balance at all. When we submit a charge to your bank, they have automated systems that determine whether or not to accept the charge. These systems take various signals into account, such as your spending habits, account balance, and card information like the expiration date and CVC. Since these signals are constantly changing, a previously successful card might be declined in the future. Even if all of the card information is correct, and you’ve previously had a successful payment, a future charge can still be declined by a bank’s overzealous fraud systems. A quick call to them to confirm that your attempted purchases were authorized should resolve the issue and remove the block.Once they inform you the issue has been resolved, you’ll be okay to try your purchase again. If you’ve done all this and the problem persists, please contact us and we’ll look into the issue.w

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